TeachersFirst Weeklies

Every week, the TeachersFirst team shares a fresh batch of time-savers, thoughtful resource reviews, and just–in-time ideas for your classroom. Don’t miss fresh new content every week:
- Featured Sites is a weekly selection of new or noteworthy resources, freshly reviewed by the TeachersFirst team. The Featured Sites span a broad range of grades and subjects, so there is something for every classroom.
- TeachersFirst Edge is a collection of teacher-reviewed online web 2.0 tools for creating projects of all types. Discover how to use these free, web-based tools safely and within school policies. Inspire new approaches to learning any curriculum with today’s technology, supported by hints and help from Thinking Teachers.
- The TeachersFirst Update is a weekly newsletter with announcements about the latest additions to TeachersFirst, ideas for upcoming curriculum events and calendar dates, and information about free OK2Ask® sessions. You can read the Update on our web site or sign up to receive it directly by email. We promise not to spam your inbox, and we never share our email list with anyone.is a weekly newsletter with announcements about the latest additions to TeachersFirst, ideas for upcoming curriculum events and calendar dates, and information about free OK2Ask® sessions. You can read the Update on our web site or sign up to receive it directly by email. We promise not to spam your inbox, and we never share our email list with anyone.
- Our TeachersFirst Brain Twisters features a new ten question quiz every week. There is a version for middle school and one for elementary as well. Use these cross-curricular questions as a whole class “bell ringer” or sponge activity. The questions can also be used to practice research skills as a small cooperative group.
- During the school year, Globetracker’s Mission offers students in grades 2-6 weekly episodic lessons about geography, landforms and map skills.
- XW1W (Across the World Once a Week) is a weekly opportunity for collaborative microblogging to build cross-cultural understanding.